Healing Music - Discover The Power Of Classical Music

Healing Music

Discover The Power Of Classical Music

The music is everywhere, from the simple heart bits to the infinities of cosmos. A good music is the key for ones mental and physical health. Music has recharging powers. There are various types of music played around the world. People enjoys music according to their tests and preferences.

Almost every one of us find ourselves listening to particular strains that are in tune with our emotions at the moment. Music holds different meanings to different people. If it energies some, it calms others, while it can sharpen mental powers, it can also put a person in a meditative mode. Some people have explored this relationship in depth and come upon the therapeutic value of music to the mind.

Understanding Scientifically

In scientific lingo, the brain responds to the relaxing powers of music by moving from the beta state to alpha, then the theta state and finally to the delta state. These are the electrical activities of the brain that explain patterns like thinking, sleeping or relaxing. When the mind is tense, it is in beta state. With the help of proper music, the brain gets relax, sometimes to the delta state that is the highest level of relaxation. If the brain can stay in the relaxed state for longer periods, healing is much faster.

The use of music to restore and maintain emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health is known as Music Therapy.

Classical Music - The Soul Healer

The seven notes are a complete therapy in itself. The Indian Classical Ragas are based on these seven notes are composed in various forms. The Sama Veda - 4000-year-old literature work devoted to science of music, explains the effect of ragas on inner atmosphere of human consciousness. Ragas are said to work on various ailments. Many researches carried out to prove its effectiveness.

We have made an effort to bring about a list of few Classical Ragas and their effectiveness, along with it we are forwarding their clips for your listening.

Raga Ahir Bhairav - A morning raga, helps in: Indigestion, Rheumatic Arthritis, Hypertension.

Raga Gunakali - A morning raga, helps in: Rheumatic Arthritis, Constipation, Headache, Piles.

Raga Patdeep - An afternoon raga, helps in: Anxiety, Hypertension, Relaxation.

Raga Poorvi - An early evening raga, helps in: Relaxation, Arthritis, Fatigue.

Raga Chandra Kauns - An early night raga, helps in: Indigestion, Hyper acidity, Anorexia, Headache.

Raga Malkauns - A night raga, helps in: Insomnia, Headache, Constipation, Intestinal Gas.

Raga Bageshwari - A late night raga, helps in: Relaxation, Easing Tension, Asthma, Sleep.

Chanting Om ( ॐ )

A very powerful influence on the human mind comes from the Sanskrit word OM, purportedly the sound of the divine. The chanting of this lone syllable is said to help control pulse and blood pressure, relieve stress, alter neurological states, controls the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, endocrine and the nervous system. If OM chanted in the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra), the problem of fits can be improved.


You can sing, play instruments or just move to music. It doesn't matter what, a good music will help you anyhow. So strong is the healing powers of music. Music therapy has been advocated for those with mental health needs, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, other age-related conditions, brain injuries, physical disabilities and chronic pain, as well as for mothers in labour.

There are several theories as to how music therapy works. One such is the release of happiness molecules or endorphins, listening to suitable music leads to a decrease in stress and depression levels. Others theorist suggest that, music help the individual to focusing on to a tasks easily. We feel a desirable music can have an adjunctive role to play in psychiatric and psychological problems when used with other forms of treatment.

While music therapy might not be a completely cure, still it does help mentally and emotionally. It can help people affected from depression, mainly because it provides a mode of self-expression. There are claims that music therapy can cure many ordinary ailments. But this has not yet been proved. Definitely proper music can helps a person to develop better coping skills, enhance his self-esteem and give him a sense of achievement and a mode of self-expression.


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