
Trikal Sandhya - A Traditional Technique Vital in Modern Life

Trikal Sandhya - A Traditional Technique Vital in Modern Life Trikal Sandhya, a traditional practice that involves performing rituals and meditation at three critical times of the day: dawn (Pratah Sandhya), noon (Madhyahna Sandhya), and dusk (Sayam Sandhya). The word Trikal means thrice and Sandhya is the deep breathing,  pranayama , meditating, focusing practice. How Trikal Sandhya can help one’s life? Inner Peace and Calmness: Meditation during Trikal Sandhya helps calm the mind, reducing stress and anxiety. Discipline and Routine: Following a regular routine fosters self-discipline, leading to a more structured and productive life. Connection with Nature: Performing rituals during specific times of the day helps develop an appreciation for nature's rhythms and cycles. Mindfulness and Gratitude: Meditation during Trikal Sandhya encourages mindfulness, gratitude, and self-reflection, leading to a more fulfilling life. Balanced Life: Trikal Sandhya helps balance physical, men

Life Essentials: Nurturing Body, Mind, and Spirit

 "Unlocking the Secrets to a Radiant Life: Discover the Three Pillars that Illuminate Body, Mind, and Spirit."   Life is a beautiful journey, filled with countless experiences and opportunities for growth. Along this path, we often seek a sense of fulfillment, happiness, and overall well-being. To navigate this journey successfully, it is essential to recognize and embrace the concept of life essentials—the key pillars that nurture our body, mind, and spirit. Holistic well-being encompasses more than just physical health. It encompasses a harmonious balance between our physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. Each of these facets plays a vital role in shaping our overall quality of life, and neglecting any one of them can lead to a sense of imbalance and discontent.   Imagine life as a three-legged stool , with each leg representing one of these essential aspects. Without a sturdy foundation in each area, the stool becomes unstable, and the journey becomes more challenging.

Habit Patterns - Observe it regularly!

Habit Patterns Your personality can be changed in this lifetime, you can attain the highest rung of life, a state free from pain and misery. Don't postpone this, as you postpone the other joys of your life. Enlightenment is your birthright; that state is freedom from pain and misery. Enlightenment is not something acquired or new-it is already there within. You can realize that state. Learn to work with yourself to remove the barriers to your growth. Learn to transform your habits and thus purify and perfect your personality. This is your challenge-to transform your own personality! When you do something unconsciously, it means that your habit pattern is very deep and you are not aware of it. When you do things unconsciously it means that you accept a kind of helplessness in that area, and when you have accepted defeat in working with yourself then you secretly condemn yourself, and then, when someone else says something you resent, you become outraged and offended. For this, sit d

Creative Thoughts

Photo by Djordje Petrovic If you came across any great, successful, creative, and dynamic person, you probably noticed one habit they possess is to bring all good and creative idea they receive into process without delay. If you really want to be creative and successful, the first you need to discipline yourself. Do not remain idle and inert. This is an important secret of life; if you remain idle without doing something useful your mind thinks scattered and random thoughts, and wastes its energy. Your good thoughts should definitely be brought into action. A thought is like an unripened fruit that is not yet eaten by anyone. Ripening fruit means bringing a positive thought into action. Many good thoughts die because they are not brought into action. To be creative in this manner is technique that have to learn for yourself by forming good, sound, healthy habits, physically and mentally. A positive, dynamic person conducts his duties well and has established coordination betwe

Beginning Spiritual Path

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich Sometimes wisdom flows through you. When you have compassion, all good things will come through you. If you don't have compassion and if you are selfish, then only the negative will come out of you. When you are learning to teach your children, your first responsibility is to develop compassion, but if compassion is not there, then imparting knowledge is like planting seeds in a barren field in which nothing will grow. Thus, the first stage of a parent's growth is to develop compassion. Never close the gates of learning; they should remain open. There is no end to knowledge; don't allow yourself to think that you know everything. Always remember that you still have more to learn, because there is no end to your learning. This knowledge is  Anata  limitless. With such love and compassion you should try to teach your children and attend to each child personally. It is helpful to form a habit of doing your exercise, breathing practices, eating your

The Vedic Thought

Vedic Thought is believe to be the most ancient philosophy of the world. Its principles and fundamentals are widely been used in various religions. It is the origin of many oriental religions and ideologies. Vedas & Upanishads are key sources of Vedic philosophy. Vedanta Vedanta means knowledge. Knowledge of life is Vedanta so as, learning the modern day Science is also Vedanta. The meaning of the word Veda from which the word Vedanta derived is knowledge. Vedanta is not limited up to four Vedas and Upanishads. Therefore, all knowledge is Veda, infinite as whole universe. Nobody ever creates knowledge. It is always discovered. Past, present and future is all knowledge. Every book which gives good knowledge is Vedanta. For instance, if some persons go down on the knees before the man who reads the Vedas and if they doesn't pays respect to the person who is studying physics/ chemistry for formulating some new breakthrough for the science world then it is not at all Vedanta. Know

Independence a reality check

Today we have largest number independent democratic countries in the history of human civilization. Majority of today’s countries have their own elected government and the representative. Peoples of such countries enjoy their own state’s law. Human civilization has developed itself from nomadic to democratic states. In past, nations have been governed by authoritarian rules of Kings and their councils. Today, we have people’s elected representatives for governing our nations. Now the questions arises, are we really lives a independent life in today’s democracy? The path to democracy was long in human civilization. Still democratic system “people’s own rule” can be debatable. We can find signs of authoritarianism in modern democratic system. The elected representatives, the law makers of today’s world sometimes tends to be an authoritarian. For instance, one of the basic privilege of any citizen is of safety. Really think of it. Irrespective of the country deve